These videos were created by the M Con group to assist with training for mountaineering. They are restricted to PMC Members….if you want to see these, join the Club!
If you are a member but not logged in, to access these videos it’s best to reopen the PMC website before logging in….
Female Experience in Mountaineering (Part 1) Emily Wooten
Female Expericence in Mountaineering (Part 2) Emily Wooten
Risk Mitigation: Lessons from Mountain Rescue (Part 1) Christopher Van Tillburg, MD
Risk Mitigation: Lessons from Mountain Rescue (Part 2) Christopher Van Tillburg, MD
Training for Mountaineering (Part 1) Jeff Reynolds
Training for Mountaineering (Part 2) Jeff Reynolds
Training for the Psychological Challenges of Mountaineering (Part 1) Laurie Watt
Training for the Psychological Challenges of Mountaineering (Part 2) Laurie Watt
Maximizing Nutrition for Alpine Climbing (Part 1) Jesse Rich
Maximizing Nutrition for Alpine Climbing (Part 2) Jesse Rich
Mountain Fitness (Part 1) Matt Shove
Mountain Fitness (Part 2) Matt Shove
Training for Mountaineering: Pitfalls and Mistakes (Part 1) Mark Postle
Training for Mountaineering: Pitfalls and Mistakes (Part 2) Mark Postle