Thurmont Watershed


The Thurmont Watershed is 60 miles from Washington DC and just outside Thurmont MD.  There are around 100 routes on a number of cliffs, ranging from 5.7 – 5.11. The rock is generally solid.

Type of Climbing

Most of the routes are toproped as there is little protection. The routes are not bolted although there are some bolted top rope anchors at Ed Rocks. The climbs are typically up to 40ft in height. In addition to the roped climbs there are numerous boulders,

Directions and Parking

To reach the Thurmont Watershed from the DC area, follow I270 to Frederick MD and then take I15 east to Pryor Road near the town of Thurmont, Parking for two – three cars is found on Pryor Rd approximately 1100 feet north of the intersection of I15 and Pryor Rd

A gated fire road heads into the Thurmont Watershed and Cunningham Falls State park from here.

Crag Logistics

There is cell phone reception over most of the Watershed. The main climbing areas are reached from the fire road::

  • TWS Rocks
    There are over 50 routes on a number of cliffs up to 4oft in height. The best cliff is Ed Rocks around 20 minutes walk from the parking area. Most of the cliffs face NS-SE so can be sunny.
  • Down Range Rocks
    This area is 30 -35 minutes from the parking area and has around 10 routes..
  • Bear Rocks
    Bear Rocks is north facing and several miles from the parking area and has 10 routes


The climbing in the Thurmont Watershed is listed in detail in the recently (2024) published Climb Maryland Vol 1 by Mark ‘Indy’ Kochte. The routes and access are also listed on Mountainproject.