Join us

Joining the PATC-MS club is simple. Choose a membership level and signup online.

Read about member benefits

Full membership
$30 per year

Family membership (up to 5 people)
$50 per year

Choosing Your Email Address When Joining

When you join the club, you provide an email address that is linked in the membership database to your personal information and membership status.

We use a google email group for member communications and Mailchimp for distributing Club newsletters. You have to opt-in for those two services by providing an email address – for privacy reasons we do not add you automatically..

If you want to use these club services we strongly recommend you use ONE email address for ALL club business – and this has to be whatever you provided when you signed up for membership. This email cannot be easily changed post-joining so choose wisely.

Setting Up a Family Membership

When you select Family Membership you supply a primary email address. You can add up to four additional names and emails as sub-accounts. So that we can actually communicate with individual members, we need a separate email for each sub account.

Please do not supply the same primary email for each sub account.

if you do, we are unable to communicate individually with those sub-account members.